Student Knowledge about Disaster in Vocational School and High School: Case study in Lombok, Indonesia

Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Dwiningrum and Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar, Sumunar and Haryanto, Haryanto and Nopita Sitompul, Nopita and Siti Luzviminda Harum Pratiwi, Setyawan and Ebni Sholekhah, Sholekhah and Aswasulasikin, Aswasulasikin and Khirjan Nahdi, Khirjan Student Knowledge about Disaster in Vocational School and High School: Case study in Lombok, Indonesia. In: The 17th International Syimposium on Solid Oxide Fues Cells (SOFC-XVII).

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2, 2, 3, Ebni Sholekhah2, Aswasulasikin4, Khirjan Nahdi4 Indonesia is one of the disaster-prone countries. Disaster mitigation requires the role of the community. Schools have an important role in providing knowledge about disaster mitigation. The research aims to understand the level of student knowledge about the disaster. The research population were SMA / SMK in Lombok Regency, especially North Lombok, East Lombok and West Lombok. Respondents were students who were from 10 high schools; the total respondent was 779 people. To find out about student knowledge about disasters associated with six aspects, among others: 1) knowledge of disaster risk; 2) student responses to disasters; 3) disaster warning system; 4) disaster information system; 5) Local wisdom; 6) emergency planning. Data was analysed by using percentage calculations illustrated by pie charts. The results of the study concluded that based on the description of the six aspects of the disaster knowledge shows that the average level of the disaster’s knowledge has not reached more than 50% good category. The data means that schools must provide socialization that is more effective and training to students about disaster knowledge. This is very important sufficient knowledge, students and schools will play a greater role in disaster mitigation. Keywords: disaster mitigation, disaster knowledge, disaster risk

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran > Evaluasi Pembelajaran
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Depositing User: Dr Aswasulasikin, M.Pd
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2024 02:15
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2024 02:15

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